1. How much will it cost me to drill a borehole?
There is no standard cost for drilling a borehole. Kindly talk to us so we can give you a quote.
2. What is required of me?
Incase you do not already have these documents, kindly talk to us and we will guide you in acquiring them.
4. What is a hydro-geological report?
This is a report from the geologist that gives the accuracy of the depth of the water and best site to drill a borehole.
5. Why do I need a NEMA report?
A NEMA report is a mandatory requirement before drilling of the borehole for the purpose of conducting an environmental impact assessment test.
6. Why do I need water analysis report?
After drilling the borehole and doing test pumping, Kisima Drilling will take a water sample to the government laboratory for testing. The test results in a water analysis report that indicates whether or not the water is safe for domestic/industrial consumption.